Friday, March 20, 2009

New Baby Pictures 3-20-09

Baby James Patrick Semyck
ya, ya, ya... I wasn't going to find out, but it was pretty obvious when she turned the camera on to measure his legs. Well, the 'turtle' was just there. We asked if there was a 'switch' that she could turn, but there isn't. Miranda was a bit disappointed at first, but she is all for helping out no matter the fact she is getting another baby brother. She even wants him to room with her!
Well, enjoy the pictures. Just click on any image to enlarge it on your screen.

He is having a lot of fun in here playing with his umbilical cord. Seems to enjoy making it like it is a mustache.

I tell you what... these new ultra sound machines are just so amazing. We could see all four chambers of his wee heart. Which by the way is the size of a pea. Hold out your hand... from the top of his head to his wee bottom is about that size! The tech was even able to check out some 'mommy' parts as well. Pretty cool!!!
Boy parts and tootsies
And here is his arm
More tootsies (ok... so, I have something with feet)
His spine and brain also look perfect. So far so good... no signs of spina bifida, downs or anything of the like. All the measurements the tech took show he is right on target for the August 5th due date. We'll see how long I hold out.
Now, I just have to make it through the next half of this without killing Bob or falling, etc.
Smiling for the camera

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